Funeral with a barge

Special farewell Joop Mulder (Omrop Fryslan). Deceased Oerol founder Joop Mulder by barge to crematorium in Marssum.

Joop Mulder was taken by barge to the crematorium in Marsum. The founder of the Oerol festival on Terschelling died from 8-9 January, presumably of a heart attack. He died at the age of 67.

The funeral took place in private, but interested parties could watch a video commemorating his farewell. At the crematorium, dozens of people also gathered along the Ballensfeart to form a guard of honour. As the barge sailed by, flowers were thrown into the water.

Mulder settled on Terschelling in the 1970s, where he took over café De Stoep in Midsland. In 1982, he started the Oerol festival, which for years was organised from his living room above the café and grew into a national festival. A few years ago, Mulder said goodbye to Oerol to focus on the landscape project Sense of Place, which focuses on cultural landscape projects along the Wadden coast. In 2018, he also brought the Giants to Leeuwarden.

Mulder leaves behind a wife and a daughter.

Source: Leeuwarden Courant

Extraordinary funeral with a barge

Due to the 25th anniversary of funeral home Jacob de Vries from Britsum, a special procession passed through the city centre of Leeuwarden on 25 July. This included a funeral motorbike, a funeral tricycle, a funeral coach and one of our barges on which a gospel choir was present.

In this way, Jacob de Vries wanted to demonstrate the options available for an appropriate funeral.

Bedrijfsclip 25 jaar Jacob de Vries Uitvaartverzorging Uitvaart in scene

Afscheidscentrum & Crematorium Andringastate

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